Events and Awards
A true patent research innovator and thought leader, Bodkin IP founder Andrea Davis has been recognized by and presented to a variety of leading organizations in the field.
August 2024
patent olympiad - a patent searching competition
Co-organized the Patent Olympiad 2024 in Singapore, Hosted by IPOS. Participants from 6 countries competed in a patent searching competition that lasted three hours and was divided in three parts. Award Ceremony was during the IP Week Conference with over 4,500 attendees.
May 2024
IPR Estoppel - What Prior Art Can Reasonably Be Found?
Co-presenter with Andrew McElligott from Crowell
Abstract: A defendant in a patent infringement suit can attack invalidity in two different venues: either through the district court action itself or at the PTAB by filing a petition for inter partes review (“IPR”). If proceeding with an IPR, the defendant may enlist a patent searcher to identify strong prior art that can be presented to the PTAB as grounds for invalidating the patent. The quality of this prior art search and the references it discovers will directly impact whether or not the IPR is successful for the defendant. But the quality of this patent search may also be important following the IPR. Because, if any asserted claims survive, the defendant is now subject to what is called IPR estoppel. This means that in the district court the defendant cannot raise new invalidity grounds based on prior art that “a skilled searcher conducting a diligent search reasonably could have been expected to discover” at the time of the IPRs. This begs the question of what constitutes a diligent search and what art could the original patent searcher reasonably have been expected to discover? Courts have reached varying and often conflicting answers.
December 2023
BEST practices for validity and opposition supporting patent searches
Co-presenter with Dominic DeMarco of DeMarco IP, we share best practices, tips, and tricks drawn from our combined 50 years of real-world, full-time experience in patent searching. Our focus is specifically on best practices for validity and opposition patent searches, providing insights tailored for professionals in the field. This valuable session is available on-demand on the PIUG educational platform, allowing you to learn at your convenience.
December 2022
Presenter in patent searching webinar on the PIUG educational platform
Best practices in patent searching for medical devices
The on-demand webinar is geared towards patent information professionals interested in learning more about medical device searching and covers key features of database choices, important elements of a comprehensive strategy in this particular technology area and ways to increase efficiency in covering large volumes of art. Medical Device specific examples are included to illustrate the approaches covered.
Mention in for
Additive Manufacturing Patent Analytics Landscape
The article mentions a patent analytics study performed by Andrea Davis at Bodkin IP for the additive manufacturing space, highlighting seminal inventors in the 3D printing industry in Europe, with focus on Germany.
October 2022
Interviewed on the Project MedTech podcast
What is a Patent Research Expert and Why You Would Use One
In this episode, Andrea Davis and Duane Mancini discuss how surgeon entrepreneurs, medtech companies, and other innovators can use patent searches, patent and IP attorneys, global IP strategy, patent infringement, when a startup would use a patent researcher and so much more.
June 2022
Co-host for the Patinformatics webinar featuring guests from the USPTO
You have machine learning questions, we have answers!
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of increasing scholarly and policy interest. To help researchers, policymakers, and the public, the USPTO’s Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) released a novel dataset identifying AI in over 13.2 million patents and pre-grant publications (PGPubs). The dataset, called the Artificial Intelligence Patent Dataset (AIPD), was constructed using machine learning models for each of eight AI component technologies covering areas such as natural language processing, AI hardware, and machine learning. An evaluation based on manual review by patent examiners with focused expertise in AI shows that our machine learning approach achieves state-of-the-art performance across existing alternatives in the literature. Releasing this dataset should strengthen policy formulation, encourage additional empirical work, and provide researchers with a common base for building empirical knowledge on the determinants and impacts of AI invention. The episode features discussions of USPTO initiatives and a Q&A session for the audience.
April 2022
5 min Intro at the 10x Medical Device Conference
Andrea Davis from Bodkin IP is being interviewed by Joe Hage, organizer of the annual 10X Medical Device Conference, about what it is to be a patent searcher or patent information specialist
December 2021
Host for the PatInformatics webinar
Who's Winning the Race to Dominate Metaverse Tech
Andrea Davis is hosting Tony Trippe of Patinformatics, LLC. Together, they explore the idea of the Metaverse and look at the major companies and technologies covered by patents in the area.
The Metaverse is blowing up and promises to revolutionize the way we interact with information, products, and one another. While the exact definition of the Metaverse is still being worked out, most pundits believe it will look a lot like the movie Ready Player One. In this vision of the future, people escape the gloomy realities of day-to-day life by logging into a vast virtual reality existence where they can interact with one another and participate in hyper-realistic 3-D adventures. With such large expectations and with so many implications for the future, who has the edge when it comes to patenting the technologies that will make the Metaverse a reality?
October 2021
Keynote speech for the European Patent Office Search Matters Conference
Medical Technologies - The Future is Now
The vast field of medical devices and technologies presents some areas that are exploding with innovation, while others haven’t changed in centuries. Andrea Davis takes a look at a few examples, explore the patent data behind some of the trends and reflects on what our role as patent information professionals is in the innovation cycle.
November 2020
Co-author for the mini-review article in Frontiers in Surgery
Innovation and New Technologies in Spine Surgery, Circa 2020: A Fifty-Year Review
Abstract: ”Spine surgery (lumbar, cervical, deformity, and entire spine) has increased in volume and improved in outcomes over the past 50 years because of innovations in surgical techniques and introduction of new technologies to improve patient care. Innovation is described as a process to add value or create change in an enterprise's economic or social potential. This mini review will assess two of three assessments of innovation in spine surgery: scientific publications and patents issued. The review of both scientific publications and issued patents is a unique assessment. The third assessment of innovation: regulatory clearances of medical devices and equipment for spine surgery and their evolution over time, will also be discussed.”
April 2020
Panelist: Patents, Vaccines, and Viruses: A conversation about the role of IP in the age of COVID-19
Abstract: As the coronavirus pandemic spreads across the globe, putting unprecedented pressure on social, health, and economic systems, scientists are working around the clock to develop vaccine candidates in record time.
Intellectual property in the form of patented biosequences and chemical structures may play a role in inhibiting or antagonizing the virus factor to help researchers better understand the disease and bring treatments to fruition.
These extraordinary, collaborative, and fast-tracked scenarios playing out in labs all over the world raise some important questions for the biopharma patent community with regard to the state of innovation for the public good, today and in the future.
Andrea Davis spoke about the current state of innovation for ventilators and shared thoughts on how the introduction of new players will likely change the competitive market for these devices in the future.
February 2020
Speaker: PatSight Conference
Topic: “Smart Approaches for Efficient Patent Searching”
Abstract: Presenting the Expanding Helix Method™ for patent searching that helps cut down the search time, increase quality and help with a clear and concise search report understood by intellectual property experts and inventors alike.
December 2019
Mention in the European Patent Office’s Patent Information News of the work Andrea Davis has done on evaluating the quality of AI patent searching tools.
October 2019
Co-organized the Patent Olympiad 2019 in Bucharest, Romania. Participants from 10 countries competed in a patent searching competition that lasted three hours and was divided in three parts. Andrea Davis presented the three winners during the European Patent Office Patent Information Conference, the biggest patent information event in Europe with over 300 attendees..
September 2019
Published an article in a journal for The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Best Practices for Patent Searching
March 2019
Andrea Davis is one of the first in the world to be certified as a Certified QPIP - Qualified Patent Information Professional by the International Standards Board for Qualified Patent Information Professionals (ISBQPIP). See more info at
In addition, she has contributed to the creation of the certification program since 2018, serving on various committees.
November 2018
Speaker - Patent Information Conference (EPOPIC)
Topic: “Black-box patent tools - hope or hype?”
Abstract: There has been a lot of talk, apprehension and excitement about automated patent searching and analytics tools in the past few years. While some tools promise results with a click of a button, others are wary of anything that doesn’t go through the traditional Boolean and classification searches.
As automation takes a more prominent role in the field of patent information, it is important to understand the level of accuracy in those processes. The presentation aims to compare manual classification of a patent data set with workflows incorporating different levels of automatic features of patent search tools working with the same data set.
September 2018
Founder & Organizer Patent Olympiad at CEPIUG 10th Year Anniversary Conference
Andrea Davis is the co-founder of this international patent searching competition that was established to bring recognition to the profession, instill a sense of pride, quality and achievement. The first event brought together participants from ten countries that competed in a triathlon-style tiered event.

May 2018
Speaker - Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Conference
Presented on the 1st Annual Patent Olympiad competition to take place in Milan, Italy in September.
February 2018
Sponsor - Med Tech Council Networking Event
Proud to promote the importance of patent information during an event of this Southern California organization that supports Med Tech entrepreneurs.
March 2018
Speaker - Blue LINC
Topic: The Value of Patent Information
Presented on patent searching resources and methods for graduate students involved in the Blue LINC program innovating technological solutions to address healthcare challenges.
January 2018
Attendee - MedTech Monday
May 2017
Speaker - Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Conference
Topic: "Quick Automation Or Laborious Manual Tagging – Finding The Right Balance"
Abstract: As automation takes a more prominent role in patent analytics, it is important to understand the level of accuracy in those processes. The presentation aims to compare manual categorization of a patent data set with different levels of automatization from a patent search tool working with the same data set.
May 2017
Panelist - Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Conference
Topic: "Initiatives & Innovations In The Technology Underlying Patent Search"
The panel considers initiatives or innovations in the technology underlying patent search tools, and the integration of patent-related information from other sources into the search and analysis process. The panel will discuss criteria when choosing between different patent search and analytics tools.
March 2017
Webinar Panelist - "Data Categorization Tools and Techniques to Improve Your Analysis”
The webinar covered different types of patent categorization methods. Ms. Andrea Davis shared her best practices and professional experiences to help you get the most out of large data set categorization projects.
December 2016
Speaker - Global IP Exchange
Topic: “Maximizing the Quality of Patent Research Outsourcing”
Abstract: There are specific steps patent attorneys can take in ensuring that the patentability, freedom-to-operate, invalidity and other patent search reports are up to a minimum professional standard and that best practices have been followed in the pursuit of discovering the best references. Participants received practical tips for handling the challenges of managing outsourcing of patent searches.
May 2016
Speaker - Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Conference
Topic: “Manual or Automated? A Patent Searching Comparison”
Abstract: Several kinds of patent searches (FTO, invalidity, collection) were conducted, both with traditional manual searching by professional patent searchers and through various automated and semi-automated patent tools. The results were compared in order to evaluate the quality and usefulness of non-manual patent searching tools.
May 2016
Panelist - Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Conference
Topic: Patent Searcher Certification
The panel discussed a variety of certification schemes-educational standards, ethical standards, and testing.
Andrea with the International Section participants
September 2015
Patent Searching Grand Prix at the Industrial Property Cooperation Center (IPCC)
Andrea was one of only two patent searchers to represent the United States in the International Section of the Patent Searching Grand Prix in Tokyo, Japan.
Andrea with members of the PIUG Board: Stephen Adams, Martha Yates, Elliott Linder, Susanne Hantos and Sandra Unger.
May 2015
2015 Stu Kaback Business Impact Award Winner
Andrea received this award in recognition of her integration and streamlining of NuVasive's patent search workflow; her contribution to due diligence leading to an $80 million acquisition; and, in a case where NuVasive was defendant in an infringement lawsuit, her identification of numerous pieces of prior art that enabled a team of in-house and outside counsel to file a successful inter partes reexamination request, which forced the plaintiff to seek reissue of its own patent with narrowed claims, thus ending the claim of infringement.
May 2015
The Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Service Award
Presented at the PIUG Annual Meeting to individuals who have made a major or sustained contribution to the organization, this award was given to Andrea in recognition of her service to PIUG, for her contributions to the Annual Conference as Program Committee Co-Chair (2013-2014).